Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Wings of Merlin, by T. A. Barron

This is the final installment of the series started with "The Lost Years of Merlin". Thank goodness. The series started well and the excitement followed a crescendo that peaked around the third book, but after that, it was just begging for a wrap. I don't mean to say that this final book is not worth reading, but it seemed to me that Barron was reaching his limit with this topic and rehashing too many elements from previous parts of the story.

What I enjoyed the most about this book is the fact that you finally get to figure out why the people of Fincayra lost their wings. You also get to read a little more about Dagda and his struggles against Rhita Gawr. It's been a while since I finished it, so I can't write much more about the story because I simply don't remember facts that wouldn't be spoilers. Read it, yes, especially if you've been enjoying the series so far, but don't expect to be impressed out of your socks.

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