Shadow's Edge by Brent Weeks
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Not particularly impressed by the writing or the plot. As with the first book in the series, I found this a fun and shallow read. It's a fluffy fantasy series, in the tradition of most of those filling the shelves in bookstores. Medieval setting, warring knights, troubled nobles, and best of all (for my taste, at least), plenty of magic. Kylar is a repenting assassin (or "wetboy") trying to mend his ways and restart life as a herbalist, when "they pulled him back in" to a large conflict between nations and a fight against evil. If it sounds like standard fare, it's because it is. I keep reading fantasy searching for that experience of being 18 and reading Raymond Feist's Magician for the first time, but it hardly ever pays off. Some that came close were Garth Nix Abhorsen and Carol Berg's Rai Kirah. Tad Williams' Memory Sorrow and Thorn was immensely satisfying in so many ways. The Night Angel series, though, I find fun and somewhat forgettable at the same time.
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